Added Day 5 #1

97WaterPolo merged 2 commits from day5 into main 2023-12-07 15:12:12 -08:00
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@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ namespace AdventOfCode._2023
var finalizedSeedRanges = new List<SeedRange>();
//Get our seed ranges
var values = inputs.First().First().Split(":")[1].Trim().Split(" ").Select(x => long.Parse(x)).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i += 2)
@ -60,6 +62,7 @@ namespace AdventOfCode._2023
var endSeed = values[i] + values[i + 1]-1; //Minus one because it counts i
var seed = new SeedRange() { Start = startSeed, End = endSeed };
Log($"Transforming seed range {seed.Start} - {seed.End}");
var prevType = MapType.SEED;
var seedRanges = new List<SeedRange>() { seed };
@ -68,20 +71,12 @@ namespace AdventOfCode._2023
Log($"Mapping from {prevType} to {mapType}");
var activeMap = maps.First(x => x.From == prevType && x.To == mapType);
seedRanges = activeMap.GetSeedRanges(seedRanges);
seedRanges.ForEach(x => Log($"Range: {x.Start} - {x.End}"));
prevType = mapType; //Denote our next mapping
finalizedSeedRanges = finalizedSeedRanges.Concat(seedRanges).ToList();
//var mapType = MapType.SOIL;
//var prevType = MapType.SEED;
//Log($"Mapping from {prevType} to {mapType}");
//var activeMap = maps.First(x => x.From == prevType && x.To == mapType);
//var postMapSeedRanges = activeMap.GetSeedRanges(seed);
//for (long x = startSeed ; x < endSeed; x++)
// Console.WriteLine($"Seed {x} has a soil value of {activeMap.Transform(x)}");
//Add the output ranges to our total list to be minimized later
finalizedSeedRanges = finalizedSeedRanges.Concat(seedRanges).ToList();
this.Answer = finalizedSeedRanges.Min(x => x.Start);
return this._response;
@ -136,24 +131,21 @@ namespace AdventOfCode._2023
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Generate the given seed ranges for Part B with the large dataset
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ranges"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<SeedRange> GetSeedRanges(List<SeedRange> ranges)
//All valid return ranges for the given input seed range
var totalRanges = new List<SeedRange>();
foreach (var range in ranges)
var seedRanges = new List<SeedRange>();
var originalSeedRanges = new List<SeedRange>();
//for (long i = range.Start; i <= range.End; i++)
// Console.WriteLine($"Seed {i} has value of {Transform(i)}");
//Ex) Range 55-67
foreach (var mapData in _mapData)
// Check if any part of rangeA is within rangeB, or vice versa
@ -161,25 +153,25 @@ namespace AdventOfCode._2023
(range.End >= mapData.Source && range.End <= mapData.SourceEnd) ||
(mapData.Source >= range.Start && mapData.Source <= range.End) ||
(mapData.SourceEnd >= range.Start && mapData.SourceEnd <= range.End);
//EX) MapData: 50-98 with a range of 48 and a start of 52
//if (range.Start >= mapData.Source || range.End <= mapData.SourceEnd)
if (isRangeWithinMapData)
var localizedRange = new SeedRange(Math.Max(0, range.Start - mapData.Source), Math.Min(mapData.Range - 1, range.End - mapData.Source) /* - 1 Since we count the start number minus 1 */);
//For the end range, 92 - 50 = 42 but we do a -1 so why its 41 which is wrong
var inputStart = mapData.Source + localizedRange.Start; //50 + 5 = 55
var inputEnd = mapData.Source + localizedRange.End; //50 + 17 = 67
//Calculate the localized range in relation to the given range and the given map data
//Math.Max(0, range.Start - mapData.Source) - In the event the range start is below the start of the mapData, take 0 as that is within the range
// Math.Min(mapData.Range - 1, range.End - mapData.Source) - if the range extends past the bounds of mapData, take mapData -1. -1 is because we count the initial starting source in range
var localizedRange = new SeedRange(Math.Max(0, range.Start - mapData.Source), Math.Min(mapData.Range - 1, range.End - mapData.Source) );
//Calculate the Source values (we need this to track any values that aren't within our output bounds)
var inputStart = mapData.Source + localizedRange.Start;
var inputEnd = mapData.Source + localizedRange.End;
originalSeedRanges.Add(new SeedRange()
Start = inputStart,
End = inputEnd
var outputStart = mapData.Destination + localizedRange.Start; //52 + 5 = 57
var outputEnd = mapData.Destination + localizedRange.End; //52 + 17 = 69
//Calculate the valid output ranges for the given mapData (this is the actual transformation for the given ranges)
var outputStart = mapData.Destination + localizedRange.Start;
var outputEnd = mapData.Destination + localizedRange.End;
seedRanges.Add(new SeedRange()
@ -189,11 +181,12 @@ namespace AdventOfCode._2023
//For any of the seed ranges created that doesn't cover seed range, create a 1-1 mapping
//FOr all the ranges NOT covered by the original seed range, create a 1-1 mapping.
var validRangesNotFound = GetNonOverlappingRanges(range, originalSeedRanges.OrderBy(x => x.Start).ToList());
//Concat all of the seed ranges together
totalRanges = totalRanges.Concat(seedRanges.Concat(validRangesNotFound)).OrderBy(x => x.Start).ToList();
totalRanges.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"Range of: {x.Start} to {x.End}"));
return totalRanges;